Lingam massage

Lingam massage is an additional service to our sensual massage that involves very attentive and slow stroking, pressing, stretching and sometimes even twisting the lingam and the neighbouring tissue. This is in order to regain more sensations and stimulate blood and lymph flow to the organ. This creates an opportunity for expanded potency, alleviation of blockages, increased control of the arousal state and a growth of new sensory neuropathways. This happens without any need for performance or approval seeking behaviour. This need could sometimes be disturbing in experiencing the real pleasure. We will always encourage you to communicate to the practitioner any concerns before, during and after the massage.

Twisting the lingam

The  penile ejaculation is a very pleasant sensation. Since it’s a visibly spectacular process we tend to associate it with the main goal and a culmination of the arousal. However, there proved to be much broader spectrum for surfing the pleasure and drawing from its benefits. According to the long practiced dao and tantric teachings by becoming multiorgasmic and drawing the accumulation of the energy through the spine into higher chakras ( energy centres), one can benefit from preserving and non ejaculation much more rather than ejaculating their essence out. This manifest in higher vitality, longevity, much deeper pleasure and connection to the outside world including the partner and most of all the connection to your own body.

Benefits of a lingam massage include:

  1. Better control of sexual energy and sexual control.
  2. Helps prevent premature ejaculation.
  3. Better blood circulation leads to stronger erections.
  4. Improves quality of orgasms
  5. Fights stress and even depression. Helps with self esteem and confidence.

If you would like to be guided into a multiorgasmic experience or a full body orgasm please discuss it with the masseuses before the session so they can help you.